School FAQ

Does MMEC have a Summer Program?

As a school, MMEC follows typical school schedules. We do not currently offer break or summer care programs.

How many students will be accepted?

Limited spaces will be available at various age levels. Application and Information Sessions begin each November with enrollment commencing February 1st.

Will MMEC accept applications after the school year has begun?

Yes. Children with prior Montessori experience may apply for mid-year enrollment. Children will be accepted in accordance with Montessori principles and “fit” provided there is space available. 

Why does MMEC have more vacation time?

Large blocks of uninterrupted time are integral to the Montessori educational philosophy. Montessori students happily spend a little more time in class each day than children in traditional school settings where recess and other breaks are necessary. 

Over the year, the extra minutes add up, and fewer overall days are required. We are able to use this to our advantage with the addition of a Fall Break, as well as extended Spring and Summer Breaks. Please see the School Year Calendar for the schedule.

Is there a lunch program?

Full-day students will eat lunch with the school staff. Please ensure you pack a nutritious lunch each day, as there is no provision for purchasing lunch. Lunch supervision is included. 

Can I come and tour the school?

Each January/February spaces are determined for the upcoming school year, tours will then be conducted as needed.

How does MMEC’s tuition compare with other private Montessori schools in Calgary?

As part of our desire to be accessible to as many families as possible, MMEC offers tuition at rates lower than other private Montessori schools in Calgary.