2021-03 (March) Newsletter

“Every human being has developed from a child: the energies that move humanity come from the expansion of the energies latent in children.”
Maria Montessori

Calendar of Events

The above calendar information is from a “Google Calendar” and can be added to any Google Account.


  • Elementary children should be dropped around the school’s perimeter. For the safety of our children, please do not stop or park on the opposite side.
  • Please review the MMEC dress code requirements. Clothing and shoes must be clean and well-fitted.
  • Please be reminded to drive slowly and cautiously in the parking lot. The speed limit is 15 km/h.

Punctual Arrivals at School

Thank you to all of the families who make punctual school arrivals a priority! When parents ensure an on- time start to the school day children learn the value of punctuality which will assist them later in their post secondary school studies, work life, and personal relationships.

Student Leadership Team

Thank you for supporting the SLT this year! We fundraise (and fun-raise) to support the MMEC Special Events Fund. This fund allows student Going Outs, projects, guests specialists, and other events to occur at no cost to students or their families. We appreciate your bottle donations (leave by the red shed anytime) and the support you give us in our hot lunch blocks. Look for our upcoming Spring Hot Lunch Block!

Elementary French Classes

Thirza Odishaw

Students are taught French in an enjoyable way to foster a love of language learning, often via games and in small groups. For younger students, activities may include drawing, singing, and acting out stories read by the teacher. There is more attention focused upon grammar for older students, listening to and reading stories themselves, and writing related to those stories. Everyone has been and will continue to learn aspects of the French culture and the all-important skill of vocabulary building (words, phrases, and sentences related to objects in the classroom, the calendar, weather, seasons, numeration, and the family).

Spring Soccer Camp

Mrs. Gishti

German Camacho and Calgary City FC are hosting spring break camps for MMEC students exclusively. Please see the below information.

Fun Soccer Fundamentals-Dribbling, Running with the ball, Passing and Shooting.

Full Day: March 22-26, 7-13 year old, 9 am to 3 pm, $320
Half-Day: March 22-26, 4-7 year old, 9 am to 12 pm, $160

Location is at MMEC:
2634 12 Ave NW

To Register:

Classroom News

Casa 2

Mrs. Gishti

Being healthy and well has been our focus for this month. What does it mean to take care of ourselves and our overall well-being? As a class, we have discussed a healthy diet, the benefit and purpose of exercising, and practicing simple mindful exercises. Some students are writing short stories about healthy food while the other ones are practicing yoga. Below are some pictures of our daily practices.

Toddler 2

Mrs. Revell

Our toddler environment is a mixture of personalities, and this makes for a fun-filled and exciting day! Our environment is arranged so that each child can find something to engage with, and we have been busy in Toddler 2 using our hands to explore the world around us. We have been baking, planting, building, climbing, sewing, and of course – taking care of our two classroom Guinea Pigs (Star and Rocket)!

Lower Elementary 2

Mr. K

Hello everyone.

We just got snails on February 16 th , and we wanted to tell you all about them:

  1. Their names are Tiny, Shelly and Darrell.
  2. Their ancestors lived more than 500,000,000 years ago.
  3. They live on our lesson table in a terrarium with soil and plants.
  4. The terrarium has bugs that eat the snails’ poop and soil, and it comes out the other end as better and richer soil.
  5. They have a little house in the terrarium that is made from a plant pot.
  6. In the terrarium, there are two little screens that show how much humidity is in the air and the temperature.
  7. Some of the plants in the terrarium have berries on them.
  8. Darrell always hides underground, and so does Shelly.
  9. Some kinds of snails have different coloured shells like Shelly. Shelly has a yellow and a black shell like a bee.
  10. They eat blueberries, strawberries and lettuce for every meal.

Thank you for reading! Bye!
Grayson and Spencer!