“The Child who has never learned to work by himself, to set goals for his own acts, or to be the master of his own force of will is recognizable in the adult who lets others guide him and feels a constant need for the approval of others.”
Maria Montessori
Calendar of Events
2023 November |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
2023 December |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
The above information is from a “Google Calendar” and can be added to any Google Account by clicking here.
Importance of the Third/Kindergarten Year
A foundation of the Montessori Method of education is the Four Planes of Development (0-6, 6-12, 12-18, and 18-24 years of age). The planes are then broken down further into sub-planes, representing the age groupings for each classroom (0-3, 3-6, 6-12, 12-18). The understanding is that at each plane or subplane, children exhibit certain tendencies and characteristics which inform their educational, social, emotional and physical journey during the three-year classroom cycle. Each year of the three-year cycle facilitates a unique experience for the child, including the introduction of materials and lessons and roles and responsibilities within the classroom community, leading to leadership roles and solidifying concepts in the third year.
Please enjoy this Tomorrow’s Child article on page 10 about the importance of the third Casa year.
Classroom Transition Event
Is your child in the 3rd year of their classroom at MMEC? If so, next year they will be advancing to a new classroom. If you’d like a preview of their new room, and a chance to speak with their new Guide, please join us at school for the MMEC Transition Event from 3:45 – 4:30 pm on November 14th.
Hide N Seek Family Fun Night
The MMEC Student Leadership Team is holding a family fun night November 17 from 5 pm – 7:30 pm at Hide N Seek Indoor Playground (49 Aero Dr NE #18). We have rented out the entire venue which includes play areas and climbers for babies, toddlers, and children. All siblings and ages are welcome. Free Pizza Dinner for all attendees. This is a parented event. We look forward to a fun evening of active play!
$25/child (includes pizza dinner and unlimited play)
$10/adult (includes pizza dinner)
Please register by using the form below which will be available until the end of day November 9th, 2023.
Remembrance Day
MMEC will mark the day with two indoor gatherings for students and a livestream for parents.
The livestream for parents will occur at 10:45 am on November 10th. Details and link to follow.
We look forward to supporting the Veterans’ Poppy Fund; all children will receive a poppy. We ask that you send a small donation. The classes will perform for us. All classes prepare wreaths or other decorations to mark this solemn occasion.
Parent Information Sessions
In preparation for 2024/2025 enrollment, MMEC will host information sessions, in-person and virtually, starting November 23 for prospective families. Should you know anyone interested in learning more about MMEC, please have them contact us at info@mmec.ca.
Parent Webinar – Save the Date!
Registered Psychologist Nicki Rimke will be guiding us through a webinar on Parenting for Resilience in Children. There are two identical sessions being offered, please join the one that works best with your schedule:
- Tuesday, November 7th from 7-8:30 pm
- Wednesday, November 8th from 9-10:30 am
Parenting Styles and their Effects on Children
Research suggests that parenting styles can have a range of effects on children. As parents, we do our best and know that our parenting style can affect a child’s present and future life, including academics, mental health, self-esteem, adult relationships and social relationships. Strategies that may support your parenting are listening, establishing rules, considering your child’s input and being consistent. Enjoy the video below!
Classroom Observations
Parents are invited to observe their child’s class from November 20 to December 15, 2023, and January 15 to February 15, 2024. This 30 minute observation will familiarize you with your child’s classroom experience, and we encourage all parents to book (parents only). Please email your respective guide and schedule your visit between 9 and 11 a.m.
Observation Guidelines:
- Please sit quietly in a special chair and observe the class in action.
- Some children may behave unusually when an adult comes to observe (avoiding tasks or becoming distracted). This is normal!
- Children may engage you in conversation. Please thank them and remind them that you are there to observe.
- Guides and assistants will not be available for conversation or questions. If you have questions or concerns, please email your Guide afterwards.
- Please do not criticize your child for their efforts.
- Please respect the children’s and classroom staff’s privacy and refrain from discussing individuals or behaviours with other parents.
We sincerely appreciate your interest in MMEC and your child’s education!
Dogs on School Property and the Play Areas
Please remember that dogs are prohibited on school property or the field and play structure. Although dogs can appear friendly and docile, a child or adult could be injured and may be afraid. If you view a dog on the property, please notify the school administration or bylaw services (311). Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Toys and Smart Watches
Please be reminded that personal items such as toys, books, games, costume jewellery, large hair ornaments, decorative watches, backpack ornaments, etc., are best left at home. Items such as these are distracting and can be easily misplaced.
Smartwatches can also be distracting, so please limit the functionality to that of a wristwatch or step-tracker. No data, so there is no messaging. No games.
Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation.
Calgary City FC, Calgary Minor Soccer Association
Indoor 2023/24 soccer for all: https://www.calgarycityfc.ca
Mayor’s Food Drive
As is our MMEC tradition, we will support the Calgary Food Bank in December. More information will follow in a few weeks. We appreciate your generosity to Calgarians in need.
How Families Can Foster a Love of Reading Their Children
Love of reading is fostered at home by creating a language-rich environment for children.
Habits are actions or practices identically repeated at predictable times. They can be as simple as washing your hands before meals or as complex as a holiday celebration. The routines become not just part of us but they become us. A love of reading can be instilled in a child from infancy and become part of their lives as well, becoming as natural as any other routine.
Usborne Literacy Fair & Book Sale is coming to MMEC!
Thursday, Nov 30th & Friday, Dec 1st, 2023, in the library.
The annual Usborne Book Fair is back. Please come out and support your school and see Usborne’s award-winning range of entertaining and educational books for children from toddlers to teens. During Parent-Teacher Interview days, there will be lots of sample books on display, including many NEW titles! You will also have a chance to preview approximately 2,000 titles from the catalogue.
Your purchases will earn 25% of the retail sales in FREE BOOKS for your classrooms and school library. The Librarian will also have the school’s “Wish List” posted in case you would like to donate through our ADOPT-A-BOOK program. Usborne will add a “book donated by…” sticky label to each item purchased.
Usborne also offers a highly regarded range of reading books from the very first steps in reading up to titles for confident readers, as well as many titles which complement & enrich the Alberta Curriculum for all Preschool, Elementary and Junior High grades. Shop for home, school, the car, travel, gifts, and more! Any purchases will be ordered and delivered to the school approximately 2 weeks later.
There will also be a FREE BOOK DRAW!
If you cannot make it to the Book Fair in person but would like to show your support, a website will be available for online orders from November 30th – December 1st. Free shipping to the school will be available for these orders if you use the specific Usborne website customized for MMEC. Further details will be sent out the week of the Book Fair.
Thank you!
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact your Usborne Books Consultant directly:
Carol Cooper
(403) 616-3944


Lower Elementary

