“We should not raise our children for today’s world. It will no longer exist by the time they are adults, and we cannot know what their world will be like: we should therefore teach them how to adapt.”
Maria Montessori
Calendar of Events
2023 September |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
2023 October |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
The above information is from a “Google Calendar” and can be added to any Google Account by clicking here.
Principal’s Welcome
Amanda Kershaw, B.Sc., B.Ed., TMI-Elementary, M.Ed.
Greetings and a warm welcome to another wonderful school year at Maria Montessori Education Centre! As we embark on this new school year, our team is here with an unwavering commitment to provide your family with all the assistance and support you may require throughout the year.
Thank you for trusting us with the education and development of your children; know that we hold their well-being and growth as our highest priority. Your involvement and collaboration are integral parts of the educational equation at Maria Montessori Education Centre, and we welcome your input and engagement.
To our students, we are so fortunate to have the gift of spending each school day with you. You bring laughter, joy and a sense of accomplishment to our practice. Each of you is unique and valued!
As we move towards the 2023-24 school year, my heartfelt goal is for a year replete with not only academic excellence but also personal growth and meaningful experiences. Let us collectively cultivate an atmosphere of curiosity, respect, and collaboration that will undoubtedly make this year at Maria Montessori Education Centre truly exceptional.
President/Board Chair Welcome
As President and Board Chair, it is my humble pleasure to welcome new and returning families to the 2023/2024 school year! Thank you for allowing us to be your Montessori School of choice, where we support students in becoming their authentic selves through experiential learning and nurturing, empowering, and respectful environments. MMEC is the only Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators (CCMA) accredited school in Alberta and the only one offering Montessori programs for children 19 months to grade 9.
As Maria Montessori said, we believe that “children have a pressing need for the freedom to
develop their own character by exploring their world and identifying their limits. Armed with the key to their own character and governed by their own laws of development, children have increasingly sensitive and singular faculties that can only be expressed in an environment of freedom. Should any of these conditions be missing, the child’s mental life will not reach full development and personal growth will be stunted.”
Collectively, through our education and years of Montessori and teaching experience, we firmly believe in a philosophy that not only fosters strong academic outcomes but also develops a child’s ability to concentrate, persevere, think critically and create a strong moral campus. As our very first grade 6 and 9 graduates are finishing their post-secondary education and entering the workforce, the outcomes of their Montessori education are far-reaching. We even had three former students return to MMEC last year as substitute teachers or practicum students! Beyond academic learning, the Montessori philosophy is education as an aid for life, contributing to all aspects of one’s development.
As always, the Board and I are here to support the administration. We ensure fiscal responsibility and transparency, and review all policies and procedures. We are grateful for your trust in us and commitment to MMEC as we work together to make your child’s school experience meaningful and fulfilling. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Board Composition
Servejit Massey – President and Chair
Catharina Undheim – Secretary/Treasurer
Chad McCormick – Director
Kate MacLellan – Director
Robert Lassu – Director
Jenson Tan – Director
Frida Ismail – Director
First Day of School
School for all returning students (primary and elementary) starts on Monday, September 11. Primary children (Casa and Toddler) new to Montessori will be staggered in as per the Primary Welcome Document schedule. Should you have any questions, please email Servejit at servejit@mmec.ca.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students enter and exit the school daily through designated doors and at designated times for ease and convenience. Children are expected to enter the school independently of a parent/caregiver, except for toddlers. We appreciate your timeliness! Please see below.
Main Campus
Toddler drop-off between 8:10 and 8:20 am.
Toddler 1 enters through the back parking lot door near the waste disposal bins.
Toddler 2 enters through the main parking lot door off of 13 Ave.
Half-day children are dismissed at 11:30 am, and full-day children may stay up until 5 pm.
Casa drop off between 8:15 and 8:25 am.
Casa 1 enters through the main parking lot door off 13 Ave.
Casa 2 enters through the back parking lot door near the waste disposal bins.
Casa 3 enters through the back parking lot gym door.
Half-day children are dismissed at 11:30 am, full-day children may stay until 6 pm, and Kindergarten children are dismissed at 3:25 pm.
Lower Elementary drop-off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
All lower elementary children will meet their class group at the school field for supervised play and enter the school with their class through the playground doors.
Children are dismissed at 3:35pm at the school field.
Upper Elementary drop-off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
All upper elementary children will meet their class group at the school field for supervised play and enter the school with their class through the 12 Ave. doors.
Children are dismissed at 3:35 pm through the 12 Ave. doors.
Erdkinder drop-off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
Erdkinder children enter the gym from the back parking lot doors for free play until 8:35 am when they go to class.
Children are dismissed at 3:35 – 3:40 pm and exit from the Erdkinder parking lot doors.
cSPACE Campus
Toddler drop-off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
Toddler children are brought to their class by a parent/caregiver through the parking lot doors.
Half-day children are dismissed at 11:30 am, and full-day children may stay up until 5 pm.
Casa drop off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
Casa children are greeted at the main door off of 30 Ave by a staff member and led to class.
Half-day children are dismissed at 11:30 am, full-day children may stay until 5 pm, and Kindergarten children are dismissed at 3:30 pm.
Family Picnic and Open Houses (both campuses)
Families from both campuses are invited to join us at the Chief Crowfoot location for a welcome back picnic in the school field (weather dependent) on Friday September 8th, from 11:30 to 12:30 pm.
Please bring a blanket and picnic lunch, and enjoy meeting new and returning families. Families are also invited to attend an open house at their respective campuses to meet classroom staff and visit their classrooms.
cSpace Open House: 10 am – 11 am.
Chief Crowfoot School Picnic: 11:30 – 12:30 pm.
Chief Crowfoot Open House: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm.
Punctuality and Attendance
We are committed to ensuring children arrive at school on time (no later than 8:30 am). Timely arrivals teach children routines, commitments and respect for others’ time. Late arrivals not only disrupt the classroom environment, but the late student will miss out on social opportunities, as well as learning opportunities and lessons that occur in the morning. Your timely arrival after school at pick-up times is equally important, as classroom and office staff are busy preparing for the next school day. To support a positive school experience, please make regular attendance and timeliness a priority.
Before and After School Care
Before and After School Care will be operational beginning Monday, September 11 (before care from 7 to 8:15 am and aftercare from 3:30 to 6 pm). Students are grouped according to age and placed with the appropriate care provider. While students move between the gym, lower elementary classrooms and the playground, programming will include arts, crafts, sports, and free play.
Saaeda Sarwar provides morning care, and the aftercare providers are Mila Ulfe-Young, Candace Prather, Krista Muirhead, and Diamond Sullivan. Children arriving for morning care must be escorted into the building via the back gym door by a parent/caregiver and signed in. After school, children will seamlessly transition to the care program upon dismissal at 3:30 pm. Aftercare parents must sign out their child before leaving. Please do not take your children home without connecting with one of the care providers.
Children should bring an additional snack to be eaten before/after school. This snack should follow the Canada Food Guide (no junk food, sugary, and highly processed foods, please).
Also, please ensure that your child is prepared for the weather, as the children go out to play daily. Please note that toys and games from home are not permitted as items can be damaged or misplaced, resulting in unhappy children.
MMEC Jackets and Cardigans
Navy MMEC cardigans and jackets (with MMEC leaf logo) are available for purchase with a fall delivery date. Both items are a great addition to the MMEC dress code and are comfortable and washable. Please visit the MMEC website to place your order by September 8.
Should you have any questions, please email Servejit at servejit@mmec.ca.
AHS: Modelling Good Eating Habits
How can we teach them to enjoy mealtimes and to eat well? These tips from AHS can help.
Children learn how and what to eat by watching you.
The eating habits you model to children in the early years can form a pattern that lasts a lifetime.
Let them see you eating and enjoying a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods.
- Sit together, eat together, and talk together
- Keep mealtimes pleasant and relaxed
- Turn off the TV and put aside toys, phones and electronics while eating
- Eat meals and snacks at about the same time each day
- Offer only water between meals and snacks
- Enjoy many kinds of foods
- Try new foods together
Book Recommendation: The Whole Brain Child, Daniel J. Siegal and Tina Payne Bryson

Daniel Diegal, neuropsychiatrist and author, and parenting expert Tina Bryson, offer a revolutionary approach to child rearing with twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children.
“The Whole Brain Child” focuses on the new science of how a child’s brain is wired and how it matures.
A must-read for parents of children in all age ranges!