“The child has a different relation to his environment from ours…the child absorbs it. The things he sees are not just remembered: they form part of his soul. He incarnates in himself all in the world about him that his eyes see and his ears hear.”
Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind
Calendar of Events
2023 June |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
The above information is from a “Google Calendar” and can be added to any Google Account by clicking here.
Heartfelt Gratitude
As we come to the end of another school year, we want to express our sincere gratitude for the incredible dedication, hard work, and support that has made this year a remarkable success. Our collective efforts have created an environment of growth, learning, and collaboration that has profoundly impacted every one of us.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our families for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. Your continuous support, involvement, and partnership have been vital in creating a nurturing and enriching Montessori learning environment. We appreciate your trust in us and your unwavering commitment to your child’s education.
To our students, we are so fortunate to have the gift of spending each school day with you. You bring laughter, joy and a sense of accomplishment to our practice. Each of you is unique and valued!
Lastly, to our exceptional staff, we want to express our deepest appreciation for your tireless efforts, passion, and unwavering commitment to our student’s growth. Your dedication and enthusiasm in the classroom and genuine care for each student continue to impact their development. You are the heart and soul of our school, and we are incredibly grateful for your contributions.
Thank you all for being an integral part of our Montessori community. We wish you a wonderful summer filled with joy, laughter, and meaningful experiences!
Games Night – June 16, 2023
MMEC Games Night will be held on Friday, June 16th, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm at the main campus. This is an evening full of games, activities, prizes, pizza, and fun for the whole family! Bring your blanket or lawn chairs as the event will mostly be held outside, weather dependent (with June 20 as a backup date).
$20 for a family of 2-3
$25 for a family of 4-5
$5 for any additional members ($30 for family of 6, $35 for family of 7)
RSVP HERE by 4 pm on June 9th!
Most events and activities (including pizza dinner) are included. The only additional costs are a few activities costing $1-$2 so bring your pocket change! Proceeds go to the MMEC Children’s Special Events Fund.
This event also supports the Calgary Food Bank, please bring nonperishable food items if you can.
Drama Club – June 5, 2023
“MMEC After School Drama Club” have been working on this play half the year and we are finally going to present it to the world! (Or at least to the school.)
The play “Night of the Impossible Terror” is about 1 hour.
Full stage set up with theater lighting etc. (We put a ton of work into this!)
By the way, it’s also a MUSICAL!!
The June 5th performance beings at 4:30pm.
Blaise Kolodychuk
Parent Testimonial
Montessori education, especially at MMEC, is our primary choice for our children. We appreciate how the philosophy includes our family and connection with grandparents. We feel this will increase their level of empathy and awareness of being a global citizen. We deeply appreciate the attention that goes into their learning and development, at key pivotal stages. Montessori models resilience through challenges, along with many life skills. The key factor is the ability of staff to practice mindfulness. We know the wellbeing of each child is supported to thrive and grow in this community. Our family embraces the Montessori way, as it shines on the wonder in each of our children to authentically express.
Thank you for all your effort and compassion for everyone you have welcomed into the Montessori community. MMEC makes a significant difference in our family. The formation of our children’s lives will be cherished in our hearts and carried throughout their journey in life.
Lost and Found
Weather dependent, we will place lost and found items and remaining items on tables outside the gym area in the back parking lot. Items will be displayed from June 20-22 from 9 am to 4 pm each day. Any items remaining after June 22 will be donated to our MMEC Clothing Line or charity.
We will remind children to bring all their shoes and other belongings home during the last week of school; please support your children in doing this.
Outdoor Safety
Playing outside is essential for children’s overall development, and it promotes physical health, mental well-being, social skills, cognitive growth, and a connection with nature. Encouraging outdoor play and providing safe, engaging environments for children to explore and play is crucial for their holistic development. Please review the following safety skills with your children to help them understand the importance of safety when engaging in wheeled recreational activities and sun safety.
Prevent Summer “Brain Drain”
Summer break is a time for children to be carefree and enjoy leisure time, but the absence of some academics can result in significant knowledge loss, especially in reading and math. Recent studies show that young elementary students can lose 20-27% of their school year gains, while younger children are even more susceptible to learning loss because of their crucial stage of skill development. Reading and playing math games for as little as 15-20 minutes a day keeps the brain engaged for all ages. Please see the following tips!
- Make learning an enjoyable experience and eliminate unnecessary distractions.
- Establish a consistent routine, same time and place each day.
- Find activities and games that meet your child’s learning level. Introducing materials that are overwhelming or too challenging diminishes confidence and the desire to learn.
- Children absorb more information, are more engaged and improve their reading through physical books.
- Offer a wide variety of books and let them have choices.
- Connect your learning to real-life experiences. If you read about aerodynamics, go to the Aerospace Museum. Very Montessori!
- If your child is too young to read, read to them. The sound of your voice and time together increases your bond, supports language development and encourages the love of learning.
- After or during reading to your child, ask questions about what has happened and what they think will happen next.
- Use the Calgary Public Library as a resource.
- Older children with writing skills can journal about their summer adventures or memorable trips.
- Practice memorization of math facts (K and up)
- Start a reading olympics with neighbours and siblings
- Encourage activities that refine fine motor skills (work with the hands)
Equally important is outdoor free and creative play for all ages (even adults)! Encourage activities that promote balance, core strength, fine and gross motor skills and imagination. Active living improves your brain and physical health!
Library News
What a great year we had in the library! Students spent countless hours reading and researching, the Erdkinders created beautiful, monthly-themed displays, and we earned over $1,000 in free books with Usborne and Scholastics. Please note that all MMEC library books must be returned to the library drop box (located in the main entrance hallway) no later than Monday, June 12th. This gives us time to prepare the library for the upcoming school year and track any missing books. Please understand that families will be asked to replace or pay for any unreturned or damaged books. You can see a list of the books your child has signed out by logging in to the MMEC Family Website.
Wishing you a fabulous summer filled with great books!
Keri Seville
MMEC Three Year Education Plan
Please review our most recent education plan:
Hippie Gardeners Plant Sale
Hello, MMEC community. I am Payton from the Erdkinder class. I am sure you heard that a few students, including me, went to the Hippie Gardeners Plant Sale, the Erdkinders’ first-ever market! Going to our first public market is a big deal because now our business can expand its customer base past our school community. It also helps us learn from people across Alberta. We had the privilege of meeting many new people, some of whom would be interested in coming into our class as guest speakers and would love to teach us their specialties, such as Gardeners, woodworkers, beekeepers, and many more.
All in all, I know everyone participated in some shape or form and enjoyed this experience. This wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the Lower Elementary French teacher and agricultural specialist Lisa Patterson and support from Glenda Livingston. Now that we know how to get into public markets, I hope that future Erdkinders will go to more markets.
Payton, Erdkinder

Erdkinder Market

Erdkinder Odyssey