“The child is both the hope and a promise for mankind.”
Maria Montessori
Calendar of Events
2022 September |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
2022 October |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
The above information is from a “Google Calendar” and can be added to any Google Account by clicking here.
Principal’s Welcome
Amanda Kershaw
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year at Maria Montessori Education Centre. Children and adolescents from Toddler to Erdkinder thrive in our inclusive, personalized school environment.
At MMEC, our core purpose is to empower children in an environment based on the values of resilience and respect. Every day in the prepared environment of our Montessori classrooms, our educators strive to realize our shared vision through child-centered work; encouraging and nurturing students to grow as curious, independent, lifelong learners.
Read More...The culture of our classrooms is based on a strong belief in the potential of every student to learn at their own pace, discover their passions, and acquire skills within a supportive and caring environment. Students are given freedom with responsibility, allowing them to make their own choices but also learn how to take responsibility for their actions.
Using their intrinsic motivation, Montessori children learn how to learn for themselves from a young age. They are empowered to find their voice and explore their interests under the supportive council of the Montessori Guide. Our children are uniquely well prepared for their future endeavors.
We are very happy that your family has chosen a partnership with MMEC for an amazing Montessori experience in 2022-2023!
President /Board Chair Message
Servejit Massey
Providing Calgary families with an authentic Montessori experience at affordable tuition is the common thread that connects our school. Our community of dedicated and experienced staff nurtures the purposeful engagement of each student. Through the Montessori pedagogy, students are provided dynamic opportunities to engage with experiences that will fuel their minds and inspire exploration of the world around them. Our goal is to support children in becoming independent, compassionate and contributing members of society.
We achieve this through the unwavering commitment of our teaching and support staff, many of whom have been with us since MMEC opened its doors 16 years ago. It is a privilege to be surrounded by such expertise and dedication. Parents also play an integral role in their child’s school success, and together we form a strong and supportive community.
Read More...As always, the Board and I are here to support the administration. We ensure fiscal responsibility and transparency, as well as review all policies and procedures. Community engagement is our newest goal, and we plan to annually /bi-annually host parent engagement sessions, giving MMEC parents a platform to respond to select questions geared towards the growth and betterment of the school.
We are grateful for your trust in us and commitment to MMEC as we work together to make your child’s school experience meaningful and fulfilling. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Board Composition
Servejit Massey – President and Chair
Catharina Undheim – Secretary/Treasurer
Chad McCormick – Director
Kate MacLellan – Director
Robert Lassu – Director
Jenson Tan – Director
Frida Ismail – Director
First Day of School
School for all returning and new students begins on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Primary children (Casa and Toddler) new to Montessori will be staggered as per the Primary Welcome Document schedule. Should you have any questions, please email Servejit at servejit@mmec.ca.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students enter and exit the school each day through designated doors and at designated times for ease and convenience. Except for toddlers, children are expected to enter the school independent of a parent/caregiver. We appreciate your timeliness! Please see below.
Main Campus
Toddler drop-off between 8:10 and 8:20 am.
Toddler 1 enters through the back parking lot door near the waste disposal bins.
Toddler 2 enters through the main parking lot door off of 13 Ave.
Half-day children are dismissed at 11:30 am, and full day children may stay up until 5 pm.
Casa drop off between 8:15 and 8:25 am.
Casa 1 enters through the main parking lot door off of 13 Ave.
Casa 2 enters through the back parking lot door near the waste disposal bins.
Casa 3 enters through the back parking lot gym door.
Half-day children are dismissed at 11:30 am, full-day children may stay until 6 pm, and Kindergarten children are dismissed at 3:25 pm.
Lower Elementary drop-off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
All lower elementary children will meet their class group at the school field for supervised play and enter the school with their class through the playground doors.
Children are dismissed at 3:35pm at the school field.
Upper Elementary drop-off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
All upper elementary children will meet their class group at the school field for supervised play and enter the school with their class through the 12 Ave. doors.
Children are dismissed at 3:35 pm through the 12 Ave. doors.
Erdkinder drop-off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
Erdkinder children enter the gym from the back parking lot doors for free play until 8:30 am when they go to class.
Children are dismissed at 3:35 pm from the Erdkinder parking lot doors.
cSpace Campus
Toddler drop-off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
Toddler children are brought to their class by a parent/caregiver through the parking lot doors.
Casa drop off between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
Casa children are greeted at the main door off of 30 Ave by a staff member and led to class.
Bathroom Renovation
All of the student washrooms were fully renovated this summer. We are excited to share the new look with you!

Family Picnic and Open Houses (both campuses)
Families from both campuses are invited to join us at the Chief Crowfoot location for a welcome back picnic in the school field(weather dependent) from 11:30 to 12:30 pm. Please bring a picnic lunch and enjoy meeting new and returning families. Families are also invited to attend an open house at their respective campus to meet classroom staff and visit their classrooms.
cSpace Open House: 10 am to 11 am.
Chief Crowfoot Open House: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm.
To date, Alberta Education, the Ministry of Children’s Services and Alberta Health Services have not issued any formal guidelines for back-to-school protocols regarding Covid-19. Until such time, MMEC will continue with strict cleaning measures around the school, specifically bathrooms and high-touch surfaces, teach handwashing and respiratory etiquette, and ensure full HVAC air circulation. We ask that you keep your child home if they are unwell and showing signs of Covid-19 or any other illness. Together, we can keep our community healthy and safe. We appreciate your efforts!
MMEC Jackets and Cardigans
Navy MMEC cardigans and jackets (with MMEC leaf logo) are available for purchase with a fall delivery date. Both items are a great addition to the MMEC dress code and are comfortable and washable. Please visit the MMEC website to place your order by September 4.
Should you have any questions, please email Servejit at servejit@mmec.ca.
In our school, we have several children who are at risk for potentially life-threatening allergies. Some children are at risk for insect sting allergy, while most are allergic to food. Food-allergic individuals can experience a life-threatening reaction from ingesting a very small amount of their allergen. Exposure through skin contact or inhalation can cause allergic reactions, but generally not anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis (pronounced anna-fill-axis) is a severe allergic reaction that can be caused by foods, insect stings, medications, latex or other substances. While anaphylaxis can lead to death if untreated, anaphylactic reactions and fatalities can be avoided. Education and awareness are key to keeping students with potentially life-threatening allergies safe.
Read More...Our school anaphylaxis plan is designed to ensure that children at risk are identified. Strategies are in place to minimize the potential for accidental exposure, and staff is trained to respond in an emergency. Our plan includes but is not limited to proper handwashing and cleaning of surfaces before and after food intake, a “no sharing” rule, a “no birthday treat” rule, identifying allergens by reading labels and thorough first aid and anaphylaxis training for every school member.
An anaphylactic reaction can involve any of the following symptoms, which may appear alone or in any combination, regardless of the triggered allergen:
- Skin system: hives, swelling (face, lips, tongue), itching, warmth, redness rash
- Respiratory system (breathing): coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain/tightness, throat tightness, hoarse voice, nasal congestion or hay fever-like symptoms (runny, itchy nose and watery eyes, sneezing), trouble swallowing
- Gastrointestinal system (stomach): nausea, pain/cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
- Cardiovascular system (heart): pale/blue colour, weak pulse, passing out, dizzy/lightheaded, shock
- Other: anxiety, feeling of “impending doom,” headache, uterine cramps, metallic taste
What to do in an emergency:
- Give epinephrine at the first sign of a known or suspected anaphylactic reaction
- Place individual in the recovery position (lying down on the back with feet elevated)
- Call 9-1-1. Tell them someone is having a life-threatening allergic reaction
- Give a second dose of epinephrine in 5 minutes if the reaction continues or worsens
For more information regarding signs of anaphylaxis and emergency treatment, please visit:
Please submit any allergy or health-related concerns to Servejit at servejit@mmec.ca prior to the first day of school.
What is Anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis (pronounced anna-fill-axis) is the most serious type of allergic reaction. Symptoms can vary for different people and can be different from one reaction to the next.
- Skin: hives, swelling, itching, warmth, redness, rash
- Breathing (respiratory): coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain/tightness, throat tightness/swelling, hoarse voice, nasal congestion or hay fever-like symptoms (runny nose and watery eyes, sneezing), trouble swallowing
- Stomach (gastrointestinal): nausea, pain/cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
- Heart (cardiovascular): pale/blue colour, weak pulse, passing out, dizzy/lightheaded, shock
- Other: anxiety, feeling of “impending doom,” headache, uterine cramps, metallic taste in the mouth
During anaphylaxis, a person may have trouble breathing or experience a drop in blood pressure. These symptoms can lead to death if not treated.
Punctuality and Attendance
We are committed to ensuring children arrive at school on time (no later than 8:30 am). Timely arrivals teach children routines, commitments and respect for others’ time. Late arrivals not only disrupt the classroom environment, but the late student will miss out on social opportunities, as well as learning opportunities and lessons that occur in the morning. Your timely arrival after school at pick-up times is equally important, as classroom and office staff are busy preparing for the next school day. To support a positive school experience, please make regular attendance and timeliness a priority.
Before and After School Care
Before and After School Care will be operational beginning Tuesday, September 6th (before care from 7 to 8:15 am and aftercare from 3:30 to 6 pm). Students are grouped according to age and placed with the appropriate care provider. While students move between the gym, lower elementary classrooms and the playground, programming will include arts, crafts, sports, and free play.
Sarah Park provides morning care, and the aftercare providers are Saaeda Sarwar, Mila Ulfe-Young, Rocel Intan and Ava Blackman. Children arriving for morning care must be escorted into the building by a parent/caregiver and signed in. After school, children will seamlessly transition to the care program upon dismissal at 3:30 pm. Aftercare parents must sign out their child before leaving.
Children should bring an additional snack to be eaten before/after school. This snack should follow the Canada Food Guide (no junk food, sugary, and highly processed foods, please).
Also, please ensure that your child is prepared for the weather, as the children go out to play daily. Please note that toys and games from home are not permitted as items can be damaged or misplaced, resulting in unhappy children.
Mabel’s Labels
How do you ensure that your child’s personal belongings don`t get buried in the school `lost and found?’ Label all of your child’s belongings with Mabel’s Labels! Durable, personalized name labels in bright colours and cool icons. Made in Canada, Mabel`s Labels withstand the dishwasher, laundry, microwave, UV rays and tons of use! Affordable and unique, you may choose from sticky labels, bag tags, shoe labels, iron-on, tag mates and much more. Mabel’s Labels are great for around the home and travel and perfect for school.
These labels help your child identify their name and keep track of their belongings while raising funds for MMEC`s Special Programs fund.
Click on mabelslabels.com, and you will be directed to MMEC`s campaign page.
How to build a home library
Home libraries for children have been shown to foster language development and have been linked to successful academic performance. Create one for your reader in a few simple steps…
Feeding Toddlers and Young Children
Learn how to help young children be healthy eaters and how to avoid mealtime struggles.
Follow the feeding relationship – adults and children have different roles in feeding.
Adults provide and children decide:
- Adults’ role: WHAT foods to offer, WHEN to offer food, and WHERE to offer food
- Children’s role: HOW MUCH to eat and WHETHER OR NOT to eat