“We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.”
Maria Montessori
Calendar of Events
The above calendar information is from a “Google Calendar” and can be added to any Google Account.
June Newsletter 2022
As we approach the end of another fantastic school year, we thank you for your ongoing support of your children and the school. Our collaborative efforts are essential to the growth and development of each student.
We fondly observe the confidence, independence, and sense of self our students gain each year through their experiences in the classroom. The children form themselves not only through their interactions with the Montessori materials but also under their Guides’ instruction and nurturing. We are continuously grateful for the thoughtfulness, care, and warmth that our MMEC staff bring to their roles each day. Teaching is a profession that requires patience, humility, and a constant desire to learn. Thank you, MMEC staff, for your ongoing commitment to MMEC, its students, and families.
We wish the MMEC community a great summer, full of fond memories!
Library News and Summer Reading
Thank you to all Casa and Toddler parents at Chief Crowfoot who requested library books using the online form again this year. The last day this option will be available will be Thursday, June 9th.
Please note that all MMEC library books must be returned to the library drop box (located in the main entrance hallway) no later than Monday, June 13th. This gives us time to prepare the library for the upcoming school year and track down any missing books. Please understand that families will be asked to replace or pay for any unreturned or damaged books. You can see a list of the books your child has signed out by logging in to the MMEC Family Website.
It’s so important to encourage children to keep reading all summer long – it really does make a difference to help prevent the “summer slide” (the loss of learning and skills over the summer break). It also promotes self-confidence, improves memory and concentration, and is fun and relaxing! If you would like any book recommendations for your child, please don’t hesitate to email me directly at keri@mmec.ca.
Here are some suggestions to help build reading opportunities into your daily routines this summer:
- Create a cozy reading nook in your home
- Start a book club among friends
- Listen to an audiobook on a family road trip
- Sign up for the Calgary Public Library’s summer reading program
- Keep a reading log or try a reading challenge
- Have a “Book Picnic” outside with lots of yummy snacks and a pile of fun books
- Read the book / Watch the movie – compare what’s the same vs different
- Reading and Crafting – find a craft project related to the story
- Pick a weekly theme to read about and find activities related to it – dinosaurs, oceans, space etc.
Finally, if you are doing any spring cleaning and have any gently used books you wish to donate, MMEC is always happy to accept them. Please contact me to arrange or simply drop them off at the office.
Happy Summer Reading!
Summer Practice
Many students experience a summer skill regression. We suggest daily practice in reading, writing, and math to keep skills strong and growing.
For younger students aged 2-5, please read to them daily. Also, incorporate daily activities that use fine motor skills such as drawing, cutting, dough crafts, and more.
For older children aged 5-15, please ensure that they have daily time to:
- Read appropriate “just right” books or sight words. Younger children in this age range also enjoy being read to, this benefits them too!
- Write stories, journals, comics, and shopping lists over the summer months to maintain written and spelling skills.
- Practice of math facts is also essential at this age. Start with addition, and once the child has mastered facts through 10, proceed to either multiplication or subtraction, based on your child’s interest. Typically, division in the last operation to be mastered.
- Consider an allowance to help your child learn about money and spending.
Games Night
Save the date! MMEC Games Night will return on Friday, June 17th, from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. This is an evening full of games, activities, prizes, pizza, and fun for the whole family! Bring your blanket or lawn chairs as the event will mostly be held outside (with June 23rd as a backup date). The only costs are a few activities costing $1-$2. Proceeds go to the MMEC Children’s Special Events Fund. Erdkinder will host a coffee house and bake sale with proceeds supporting a local school in the Philippines (in Mr. Chris’ hometown).
Most events and activities (including pizza dinner) are free. An RSVP will be sent out soon.
Alberta Health Services
Are you looking for ideas to save money on food?
Click here for tips on choosing healthy foods and spending less.
Lost and Found
Weather dependent, we will place any remaining personal items on tables outside the gym area in the back parking lot. Items will be on display from June 22-24 from 9 am to 4 pm each day. Any items remaining after June 24 will be donated to our MMEC Clothing Line or charity.
We will remind children to bring all their shoes and other belongings home during the last week of school; please support your children in doing this.
International Student – Homestay
MMEC has an intern coming in September; she is looking for a homestay opportunity. She would like to be close to the school but is also fine with taking public transit. Her name is Kira Mistele, and she is a 24 year old student from Karlsruhe, Germany. Her studies at the Karlsruhe University of Education will allow her to become an elementary school teacher. Currently, Kira is working on her master’s thesis to finish her studies. Kira is happy to help with childcare and chores in exchange for the room and board in her homestay. She will travel around Canada in August and come to Calgary for six weeks in September/October.
Please email amanda@mmec.ca if you are interested in hosting Kira!
Products of the Future – Erdkinder Business
We would like to thank you for participating in our spring sale. If you have any feedback, please let us know in this Google Form.
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to see you at our next event!
Kasia, on behalf of our Erdkinder Pro-f business.
Three-Year Education Plan
Maria Montessori Education Centre’s Education Plan is available on our website at:
(3YP is navigated to on our website via About Us >> Accountability >> Alberta Education.)
Gym Photos

MMEC News with Sam and Nia
Shed Door Reinforced
Earlier this year our recycling shed was broken into. (Yes, we reported it to police, no luck.)

Chris Gono, Facilities Manager, has hardened MMEC’s defences against our bottle-recycling thief, with heavy-duty shed padlock reinforcement!
Please continue to drop refundable, and apparently very fungible, recycling near the reinforced shed until June 17th.